Honour system

We welcome every posting  that's in some way related to healthy / natural / sustainable food, organic farming, or otherwise seems like a good fit. Our mission is to support the sustainable food movement.

No posting is rejected  due to honest inability to pay. We understand that not everyone has budget available. If you had to pay, would that prevent you from posting? If the answer is yes, just choose 'Can't pay' on the posting page, and we'll take it from there.

Penny wise, pound foolish?  But if you're hesitating because you're not sure it's worth it, please think again. When hiring someone who you'll be paying thousands in wages or salary, does it make sense to pinch pennies to find the best person? When you choose our suggested rate, our team goes to work for you. Paid postings tend to get stronger results, the results we're famous for... guaranteed.

So whether or not you can pay, please go ahead and post.

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