Grow for yourself — or as a job, self employment, volunteer...
Whether you're looking for work, or just want to get outside and pitch in, make this the year to get growing! Options include your own backyard, neighbour's backyards, local community gardens, or working on nearby farms...
(1) Learn fruit & veggie gardening...
(2) Team up!
Local food growing groups & exchanges: Connect with other gardeners and local food groups in your area — this can be a great source of info, inspiration and resources:
(3) Get to work...
From casual to full-time, there are many opportunities to grow food:
These organizations have many great resources. Please use them, join them, support them!
Have we missed your organization? Let us know!
Wikipedia: organic gardening, community gardening, allotment gardens, urban agriculture, food security, local food
Note: The above is provided on an "As Is" basis and for general informational purposes only. People and Planet (also known as "") is not responsible for the content, accuracy, timeliness, completeness, legality, reliability, quality or suitability of this posting. We do not screen or endorse the organizations or individuals involved. If you decide to accept an offer of employment, volunteering or any other arrangement, you do so at your own risk and it is your responsibility to take all protective measures to guard against injury, abuse, non-payment or any other loss. Please read our full Terms & Conditions.