Your posting:
Enter your posting below. It can be as long as you like. Just paste it — we'll clean up the formatting and ensure it looks great.
Note: Please include “how to apply”, e.g. an e-mail address or link (example
Contact Info / How to Apply
Within the body of your posting, please be sure to tell applicants how you'd like them to apply or contact you.
Short example:
To apply, please email your resume and a brief covering letter to _______.
Longer example:
To apply, please e-mail your resume and a brief covering letter to _________, as soon as possible and not later than _________, 2025. Please use this subject line: _________. No phone calls, please.
Add PDF or Doc
Upload a PDF:
Just paste your posting into the box below, and we'll take it from there.
How to paste: (1) Open the PDF on your computer; (2) Select all (Ctrl-A); (3) Copy (Ctrl-C); (4) Click in the box below and paste: Ctrl-Shift-V
Alt method: E-mail us the PDF:
or send us the link. If you have the original document – e.g. Word or OpenDocument – even better.
In either case, please continue below this box, even if you leave it empty. Then click Submit at bottom. Our staff personally attend to each posting — we'll check for any glitches and ensure it looks great.
| Logo or Photo
Add a Logo:
If you've posted with us before, we already have your logo on file. If not, we'll look it up on your site. We'll make sure it looks great.
Add a Photo — three ways to add a photo:
(1) Leave it to us: as time allows, our staff can add a
photo for you. We'll contact you if we have any questions or
aren't sure which photo to use.
(2) From your site: Click the image icon (
) below, and enter
the photo's url from your site.
(3) Email: e-mail photos to:
Special requirements? Please let us know in the comments field below, or e-mail us: