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BC Manager, full-time, Young Agrarians, remote office in BC
Coordinator, full-time, Concordia Food Coalition, Montréal QC / Hybrid
Managing Chef, full-time, Strathcona Park Lodge, Vancouver Island BC / live on-site or commute from Campbell River
Associate Director, Food & Beverage, full-time, Stratford Festival, Stratford, Ontario
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Backcountry lodge cook, full-time, housing, Lake O'Hara Lodge, Yoho National Park BC (candidates from anywhere in Canada are invited to apply)
Summer jobs: Berry farming, Northslope Farm, near Wakefield QC / Ottawa-Gatineau
Garden Coordinator, full-time, Carrot Commons Green Roof / Carrot Cache, Toronto Danforth, Ontario
Market gardening 2025 (Organic), staff & intern, on-farm accom, Foragers Farms, near Cobourg, Ontario
Veggie & flower farm assistants, full-time seasonal, Kingfisher Farm Market, Surrey BC
Organic veggie farming, full-time, possible accom., Ferme Lève-tôt, near Wakefield / Ottawa-Gatineau QC
Regenerative farming, vol. + meals + on-site accom., Ravenwoodfarm, Northern BC
Herbal gardener, May-October, Innisfree Farm & Botanic Garden, near Courtenay, Vancouver Island BC
Organic, no-till veg., seeds and more, age 30 & under, April/May-Oct/Nov, Persephone Market Garden, Bruce Grey, Ontario / optional housing
Organic farm field crew, May to August or October, Rootdown Organic Farm, Pemberton BC / shared accom.
Community Harvest Assistants, full-time, April to Nov., Ottawa Food Bank – Community Harvest Farm, Stittsville ON
Veggie farming, full-time & part-time positions, Black Table Farm, Langley BC
Organic veggie farming, 2 positions, May-October., near Barrie / Lake Simcoe, Ontario / on-site housing
Farmer-Educator, full-time, Earthwise Society, Agassiz BC / on-site accom.
Kitchen Coordinator/Chef, LUSH Valley Food Action Society, Courtenay BC
Catering Chef, contract/casual, LUSH Valley Food Action Society, Courtenay BC
Market Garden Lead, April-Nov., Wicked Welly Farm & Apiary, near Fergus & Guelph, Ontario
Market Garden Lead / Farmer (or couple), salary + benefits + housing, Prince Edward County, Ontario
Assistant Farmer & Farmers' Market, 3 positions, May-Oct., Ferme des Petites Victoires, Luskville, near Ottawa-Gatineau QC
Permaculture Plant Nursery Internships, 2 positions, room+ board+ stipend, Fiddlehead Nursery, near Collingwood, ON
Regenerative organic farm intern, 20 hours/week, Whitsend Market Garden, Lanark Highlands, near Perth, Ontario
Regenerative, culinary farm assistant, seasonal, Crieff Hills Retreat Centre, south of Guelph, Ontario
Organic veggies and flower farming, full-time, Wheelbarrow Farm, GTA/ Durham Region, Ontario (on-farm accom.)
Horse-powered Organic farm crew, full-time, May-Sept..., Four Beat Farm, Pemberton Meadows, near Whistler BC
Market gardening / farming, full-time, April-Oct., Canfield Regenerative Farm, south of Hamilton, Ontario
Rise Up! Regional Lead – Vancouver Coastal, full-time, Public Health Association of BC, Metro Vancouver BC
Rise Up! Regional Lead – Vancouver Island, full-time, PHABC, Vancouver Island BC
Rise Up! Regional Lead – Fraser Valley Region, full-time, PHABC, Fraser Valley BC
Rise Up! Regional Lead – BC Interior, full-time, PHABC, BC Interior
Rise Up! Regional Lead – Northern BC, full-time, PHABC, Northern BC
Chef-in-Residence, Growing Chefs, Vancouver BC
Organic veggie farm crew, full-time, on-site accom., Plenty Wild Farms, Pemberton, British Columbia
Urban Farm Manager 2025, full-time, Zawadi Farm, Downsview Park, Toronto/GTA, Ontario
Organic veggie CSA farm, May-October, housing, Cedar Down Farm, Neustadt / Grey County, Ontario
Market Garden, 2 positions, May-Oct., County Left Farm, Durham Region / GTA, Ontario (on-site accom.)
Organic market gardening, full-time, Sarah's Harvest, Whitehorse, Yukon / on-site accom.
Summer job: Farm Animator, f/t incl room & board, Camp Amy Molson / Young Roots Farm, Quebec
Summer job: Farm Apprentice, f/t incl room & board, Camp Amy Molson / Young Roots Farm, Quebec
Sprouts & Microgreens kitchen, single or couple, on-site accom., Salt Spring Sprouts and Mushrooms, Salt Spring Island BC
Outreach Strategist, National Farmers Union, Saskatoon or remote, anywhere in Canada 
Communications Manager, full-time, Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario (EFAO), remote with some travel required, Ontario
Market gardening / farming, 3 positions, full-season, Aldergrove Organic Farm, Mount Forest, Ontario / on-farm accom.
Market gardening, 1 position, on-site housing, May-Oct., Sundance Harvest, near Mount Forest, Ontario
Kitchen Animator, part-time, Corbeille de Pain, Pointe-Claire / West Island / Montreal QC
Non-profit board members, vol./board, Vancouver Fruit Tree Project Society, Vancouver BC
Senior Grower, full-time, organic & regenerative farming, Athiana Acres, Richmond BC

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